Concise Textbook of Physiology


A sound knowledge of human physiology is most essential for all medical and health profession practices. Now in this third edition this book is aptly named Concise Textbook of Physiology and an effort has been made to provide tl1e essential text in a tl1orough, yet concise manner. This book fulfills tl1e needs of dental, nursing, and physiotl1erapy students. Its conciseness makes it the preferred book for students of alternative medical sciences (Ayurveda, Homeopatl1y, etc.) and allied healtl1 sciences. This book will also be very useful for students pursuing Masters in Physiology. Care has been taken to update tl1e book as per syllabi prescribed by the health universities across tl1e country. In tl1is text core and applied aspects of human physiology have been skillfully intermingled for students to apply tl1eir learning in clinical situations. The text has been organized systematically into eleven sections. Each section has been subdivided into various chapters. Salient features of this book • A brief overview given in each section highlighting tl1e topics covered. • Chapter outline given in the beginning of each chapter provides tl1e clear layout of tl1e text included. • Relevant functional anatomy included in each chapter will be quite useful in conceptualizing tl1e subject.

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